DG - Spiele News Shooter World War 3: Großes Update bringt Team Deathmatch By rumpel Veröffentlicht am 24. November 2018 10 min read 0 0 224 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Das Entwicklerstudio The Farm 51 hat ein umfangreiches Update für den Multiplayer-Shooter World War 3 veröffentlicht. Das soll sich nicht nur um die aktuellen technischen Probleme kümmern, sondern bringt unter anderem auch den neuen Modus „Team Deathmatch“ ins Spiel. Zudem gibt es eine zusätzliche Map sowie eine neue Waffe. Obwohl der Multiplayer-Shooter World War 3 beim Early-Access-Start mit einigen Problemen zu kämpfen hatte, arbeitet das Entwickler-Team The Farm 51 unbeirrt weiter an neuen Inhalten. Einige davon stehen ab sofort in Form eines umfangreiches Updates zum Download bereit, der das Spiel auf Version 0.2 bringt. Was erwartet euch darin? Eines der Highlights dürfte wohl der neue Spielmodus „Team Deathmatch“ sein, bei dem zwei Teams gegeneinander antreten. Doch damit nicht genug: Passend dazu gibt es nämlich auch eine neue Maps namens „Warsaw Shopping Mall“, die ausschließlich für TDM-Partien konzipiert ist. Hinzu kommt mit dem „IFV Boxer“ ein weiteres Fahrzeug sowie die „MSBS Bullpup“ als neue Waffe. Außerdem haben die Entwickler das Spawn-System überarbeitet, das zunächst bei TDM-Partien zum Einsatz kommt, später aber auch in anderen Modi zur Verfügung stehen soll. Des Weiteren gibt es zahlreiche Bug Fixes, Optimierungen und andere Änderungen für World War 3 . Hier die vollständige Liste in der Übersicht: Patch Notes für World War v0.2 [NEW CONTENT] New gamemode: Team Deathmatch, New map: Warsaw Shopping Mall (TDM only), New weapon: MSBS Bullpup, New vehicle: IFV Boxer, New uniform: Russian Partisan, New vehicle armor: RPG nets for IFV Boxer and IFV Bumerang, New spawn system (TDM only for now!), [FEATURES] In-game grenade selector (just like gadget), Backend: Progression system (first pass), Thermal scopes (first pass), Backend: Item unlocking, Backend: Server authentication, First tests of the changing day/night system (TDM map only), [GAMEPLAY] Added Thermal scopes: Medium-magnification scopes (Thor SM, MM) and high-magnification (Odin LM), Added a new assault rifle: MSBS-B. It’s chambered in .300 Blackout giving it better damage than other Western rifles but at the cost of much bigger bullet drop, high damage dropoff and strong kick, Vepr nerfed again with increased recoil, Tor damage reduced, making it only slightly more powerful than the G29. However, due to .50 cal’s AP performance it should deal more damage when hitting the enemy directly into the chest plate, Sniper rifles had their bullet velocities lowered (turns out they were bugged and behaved like hitscan weapons), they should be comparable to ARs now, RPGs nerfed: Reduced blast radious on basic warheads, reduced damage and damage falloff on Frag warheads (this should make them used primarily for weakening and injuring enemies over a larger area and not for killing them with a cheap shot), Adjusted the Frag RPG warhead to make it more easily recognizable (it’s brighter, more gray/brown-ish in colour), New prototype weapon muzzle flashes. They should have slightly better performance and look better, please give us feedback wether or not do they hinder your visibility while shooting. If anything will be off we will be tweaking them, New particle effects for Support Strikes: Artillery, Airstrikes, Carpet Bombings, now it’s easier to differentiate which one is being used, Fixed splash damage for >25mm caliber rounds, now splash damage decreases properly with the radius of the explosion ( the further from the center of explosion the lesser the damage), You can no longer vault while reloading, Tweaked spawn locations on all maps, Added optimized light to all TPP muzzle flashes, And more, [BUGFIXES] Fixed item names and descriptions on popups, Marking should be fixed now, Radar Equipment for UGV works as intended, Mini UGV does not receive decals from the environment, Lance RC turret smoke grenades‘ shoot properly, T90 turret hatch attaches properly, Proper destruction meshes for Falcon turret optics, Lower attachments count on certain vehicle armors (Anders, Marder, and T72). It should result in a slight performance boost, Fixeds in left hand position on certain handguards, Fixed broken materials on some emblems, Fixed ammo display in customization, Weapon calibers should now display properly, Fixed animations for Glauberyt SMG, Fixed score for punishing players, Destroyed vehicles no longer appear repairable for repair kits users, Fixed antimeterial rifles dealing massive damage to vehicle turrets, Fixed a bug where after first login items were unlocked, Fixed a bug with resetting customization, Fixed a bug where sometimes unlocked items couldn’t be equipped, Various chat fixes, Fixed an issue that prevented CPU Performance Boost from being disabled, Fixed assist for marking not working, And more, [OPTIMIZATION] Reworked muzzle particles to reduce FPS drops when firing, New impact particles, Lowered attachment count on certain vehicle armors, Level streaming improvements, Collision optimizations, Continuous optimization effort on all fronts, [TWEAKS] Changed „Performance Boost“ to „CPU Performance Boost“ to better reflect what it’s for, Tweaked RPG explosion, Flash hiders are now functional, Added chat window to summary screens, Adjusted blast radii for >25mm rounds to the fixed splash damage values, Anti-Tank mines damage reduced to 600, now 2 mines are required to destroy a vehicle, Improved UGV durability against RPG projectiles: 1 Tandem or 2 Single Stage are enough to destroy a UGV, Reduced smoke grenades uses from 5 to 2, Reduced ricochet chance on >25mm projectiles, TDM summary screen map display name, Reworked armor pricing and masses, Changed P: to L: since we’re showing latency to the server, not straight ping, Tweaks to thermal vision postprocess, Menu thumbnails updated, Various animation tweaks (idles, reloads), Matchmaking improvements, Many more minor tweaks and improvements. Quelle: offizielle Webseite
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